Apply For Redskelton Dog

Thank you for your personnel commitment to keeping America free, safe and healthy. We are proud to support America’s Wounded Warriors, Fire fighters, Law Enforcement Personnel, The Hearing & Speech Disabled and Autistic Families in our Service and Companion dog programs! We appreciate your interest and look forward to matching you with the dog that fits your needs.

Qualification requires:

You are active duty or a military veteran, a current firefighter, law enforcement with a job related injury, a hearing & speech disabled person or in an Autistic family.

You must have a service or job related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or hearing / speech disability or a chid with an autistic diagnosis from a licensed mental health professional

Be participating in regular health treatment (your clinician will need to submit a form)

The Red Skelton Rescue & Service Dog Society provides service and companion dogs ONLY

Basic Information

Have you been diagnosed with service-related PTSD and/or TBI and/or hearing / speech disability and/or autism by a licensed healthcare professional?

Arrangements must bemade for our team to speech directly with your health care professional

Are you currently receiving mental health treatment for PTS/TBI/Hearing/Speech/ Autism?

  • If yes, why?

  • If yes, What kind of pet? What Sex?

Please note: We don't provide guide dogs or mobility dogs

For more information Email us at:

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this application, please email us at:

Note: We need a separate volunteer application